This post list the steps for adding a node to 18c RAC which is similar to that of adding a node to 12cR1 RAC. Node addition is done in three phases. Phase one is to add the clusterware to the new node. Second phase will add the database software and final phase will extend the database to the new node by creating a new instance for it.
The current cluster setup consists of a single node named rhel71 and a new node named rhel72 will be added to the cluster.
1. It is assumed that physical connections (shared storage connections, network) are made to the new node being added. The cluvfy tool could be used to check the pre-reqs for node addition are successful. In this case the failures relate to memory and shm mount point could be ignored as this is a test setup.
2. To extend the cluster by installing clusterware on the new node run the from an existing node and select add more nodes to cluster option.
3. Execute the root script when prompted.
4. Use cluvfy to verify node addition
6. Before extending the database by adding a new instance change the permission on the admin folder on the new node.
Related Posts
Adding a Node to 12cR1 RAC
Adding a Node to 11gR2 RAC
Adding a Node to 11gR1 RAC
The current cluster setup consists of a single node named rhel71 and a new node named rhel72 will be added to the cluster.
1. It is assumed that physical connections (shared storage connections, network) are made to the new node being added. The cluvfy tool could be used to check the pre-reqs for node addition are successful. In this case the failures relate to memory and shm mount point could be ignored as this is a test setup.
cluvfy stage -pre nodeadd -n rhel72
Verifying Physical Memory ...FAILED (PRVF-7530)
Verifying Available Physical Memory ...PASSED
Verifying Swap Size ...FAILED (PRVF-7573)
Verifying Free Space: rhel72:/usr,rhel72:/var,rhel72:/etc,rhel72:/opt/app/18.x.0/grid,rhel72:/sbin,rhel72:/tmp ...PASSED
Verifying Free Space: rhel71:/usr,rhel71:/var,rhel71:/etc,rhel71:/opt/app/18.x.0/grid,rhel71:/sbin,rhel71:/tmp ...FAILED (PRVF-7501)
Verifying User Existence: oracle ...
Verifying Users With Same UID: 501 ...PASSED
Verifying User Existence: oracle ...PASSED
Verifying User Existence: grid ...
Verifying Users With Same UID: 502 ...PASSED
Verifying User Existence: grid ...PASSED
Verifying User Existence: root ...
Verifying Users With Same UID: 0 ...PASSED
Verifying User Existence: root ...PASSED
Verifying Group Existence: asmadmin ...PASSED
Verifying Group Existence: asmoper ...PASSED
Verifying Group Existence: asmdba ...PASSED
Verifying Group Existence: oinstall ...PASSED
Verifying Group Membership: oinstall ...PASSED
Verifying Group Membership: asmdba ...PASSED
Verifying Group Membership: asmadmin ...PASSED
Verifying Group Membership: asmoper ...PASSED
Verifying Run Level ...PASSED
Verifying Hard Limit: maximum open file descriptors ...PASSED
Verifying Soft Limit: maximum open file descriptors ...PASSED
Verifying Hard Limit: maximum user processes ...PASSED
Verifying Soft Limit: maximum user processes ...PASSED
Verifying Soft Limit: maximum stack size ...PASSED
Verifying Architecture ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Version ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: semmsl ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: semmns ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: semopm ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: semmni ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: shmmax ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: shmmni ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: shmall ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: file-max ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: ip_local_port_range ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: rmem_default ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: rmem_max ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: wmem_default ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: wmem_max ...PASSED
Verifying OS Kernel Parameter: aio-max-nr ...PASSED
Verifying Package: binutils- ...PASSED
Verifying Package: compat-libcap1-1.10 ...PASSED
Verifying Package: libgcc-4.8.2 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: libstdc++-4.8.2 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: libstdc++-devel-4.8.2 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: sysstat-10.1.5 ...PASSED
Verifying Package: gcc-c++-4.8.2 ...PASSED
Verifying Package: ksh ...PASSED
Verifying Package: make-3.82 ...PASSED
Verifying Package: glibc-2.17 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: glibc-devel-2.17 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: libaio-0.3.109 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: libaio-devel-0.3.109 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: nfs-utils-1.2.3-15 ...PASSED
Verifying Package: smartmontools-6.2-4 ...PASSED
Verifying Package: net-tools-2.0-0.17 ...PASSED
Verifying Package: compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: libxcb-1.11 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: libX11-1.6.3 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: libXau-1.0.8 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: libXi-1.7.4 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Package: libXtst-1.2.2 (x86_64) ...PASSED
Verifying Users With Same UID: 0 ...PASSED
Verifying Current Group ID ...PASSED
Verifying Root user consistency ...PASSED
Verifying Package: cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1 ...PASSED
Verifying Node Addition ...
Verifying CRS Integrity ...PASSED
Verifying Clusterware Version Consistency ...PASSED
Verifying '/opt/app/18.x.0/grid' ...PASSED
Verifying Node Addition ...PASSED
Verifying Host name ...PASSED
Verifying Node Connectivity ...
Verifying Hosts File ...PASSED
Verifying Check that maximum (MTU) size packet goes through subnet ...PASSED
Verifying subnet mask consistency for subnet "" ...PASSED
Verifying subnet mask consistency for subnet "" ...PASSED
Verifying Node Connectivity ...PASSED
Verifying Multicast or broadcast check ...PASSED
Verifying ASM Integrity ...
Verifying Node Connectivity ...
Verifying Hosts File ...PASSED
Verifying Check that maximum (MTU) size packet goes through subnet ...PASSED
Verifying subnet mask consistency for subnet "" ...PASSED
Verifying subnet mask consistency for subnet "" ...PASSED
Verifying Node Connectivity ...PASSED
Verifying ASM Integrity ...PASSED
Verifying Device Checks for ASM ...
Verifying Package: cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1 ...PASSED
Verifying ASM device sharedness check ...
Verifying Shared Storage Accessibility:/dev/oracleasm/data1,/dev/oracleasm/gimr,/dev/oracleasm/fra1,/dev/oracleasm/ocr1,/dev/oracleasm/ocr2,/dev/oracleasm/ocr3 ...PASSED
Verifying ASM device sharedness check ...PASSED
Verifying Access Control List check ...PASSED
Verifying Device Checks for ASM ...PASSED
Verifying Database home availability ...PASSED
Verifying OCR Integrity ...PASSED
Verifying Time zone consistency ...PASSED
Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...
Verifying '/etc/ntp.conf' ...PASSED
Verifying '/etc/chrony.conf' ...PASSED
Verifying '/var/run/' ...PASSED
Verifying '/var/run/' ...PASSED
Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...PASSED
Verifying User Not In Group "root": grid ...PASSED
Verifying resolv.conf Integrity ...PASSED
Verifying DNS/NIS name service ...PASSED
Verifying User Equivalence ...PASSED
Verifying /dev/shm mounted as temporary file system ...FAILED (PRVE-0421)
Verifying /boot mount ...PASSED
Verifying zeroconf check ...PASSED
Pre-check for node addition was unsuccessful on all the nodes.
Failures were encountered during execution of CVU verification request "stage -pre nodeadd".
Verifying Physical Memory ...FAILED
rhel72: PRVF-7530 : Sufficient physical memory is not available on node
"rhel72" [Required physical memory = 8GB (8388608.0KB)]
rhel71: PRVF-7530 : Sufficient physical memory is not available on node
"rhel71" [Required physical memory = 8GB (8388608.0KB)]
Verifying Swap Size ...FAILED
rhel72: PRVF-7573 : Sufficient swap size is not available on node "rhel72"
[Required = 4.686GB (4913676.0KB) ; Found = 3.7246GB (3905532.0KB)]
rhel71: PRVF-7573 : Sufficient swap size is not available on node "rhel71"
[Required = 4.686GB (4913676.0KB) ; Found = 3.7246GB (3905532.0KB)]
Verifying Free Space:
l71:/tmp ...FAILED
PRVF-7501 : Sufficient space is not available at location
"/opt/app/18.x.0/grid" on node "rhel71" [Required space = 6.9GB ; available
space = 6.0439GB ]
PRVF-7501 : Sufficient space is not available at location "/" on node "rhel71"
[Required space = [25MB (/usr) + 5MB (/var) + 25MB (/etc) + 6.9GB
(/opt/app/18.x.0/grid) + 10MB (/sbin) + 1GB (/tmp) = 7.9635GB ]; available
space = 6.0439GB ]
Verifying /dev/shm mounted as temporary file system ...FAILED
rhel72: PRVE-0421 : No entry exists in /etc/fstab for mounting /dev/shm
CVU operation performed: stage -pre nodeadd
Date: 04-Apr-2019 16:15:51
CVU home: /opt/app/18.x.0/grid/
User: grid
2. To extend the cluster by installing clusterware on the new node run the from an existing node and select add more nodes to cluster option.
3. Execute the root script when prompted.
# /opt/app/18.x.0/grid/
Performing root user operation.
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /opt/app/18.x.0/grid
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The contents of "dbhome" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of "oraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of "coraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
Creating /etc/oratab file...
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Relinking oracle with rac_on option
Using configuration parameter file: /opt/app/18.x.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
The log of current session can be found at:
2019/04/08 11:09:11 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 1 of 20: 'SetupTFA'.
2019/04/08 11:09:11 CLSRSC-4001: Installing Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2019/04/08 11:09:57 CLSRSC-4002: Successfully installed Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2019/04/08 11:09:57 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 2 of 20: 'ValidateEnv'.
2019/04/08 11:10:10 CLSRSC-363: User ignored prerequisites during installation
2019/04/08 11:10:10 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 3 of 20: 'CheckFirstNode'.
2019/04/08 11:10:11 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 4 of 20: 'GenSiteGUIDs'.
2019/04/08 11:10:17 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 5 of 20: 'SaveParamFile'.
2019/04/08 11:10:23 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 6 of 20: 'SetupOSD'.
2019/04/08 11:10:23 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 7 of 20: 'CheckCRSConfig'.
2019/04/08 11:10:32 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 8 of 20: 'SetupLocalGPNP'.
2019/04/08 11:10:35 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 9 of 20: 'CreateRootCert'.
2019/04/08 11:10:35 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 10 of 20: 'ConfigOLR'.
2019/04/08 11:10:45 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 11 of 20: 'ConfigCHMOS'.
2019/04/08 11:10:46 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 12 of 20: 'CreateOHASD'.
2019/04/08 11:10:48 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 13 of 20: 'ConfigOHASD'.
2019/04/08 11:10:49 CLSRSC-330: Adding Clusterware entries to file 'oracle-ohasd.service'
2019/04/08 11:12:25 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 14 of 20: 'InstallAFD'.
2019/04/08 11:12:29 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 15 of 20: 'InstallACFS'.
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'rhel72'
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'rhel72' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
2019/04/08 11:13:52 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 16 of 20: 'InstallKA'.
2019/04/08 11:13:55 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 17 of 20: 'InitConfig'.
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'rhel72'
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'rhel72' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'rhel72'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'rhel72' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
2019/04/08 11:14:10 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 18 of 20: 'StartCluster'.
CRS-4123: Starting Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.mdnsd' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.evmd' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.evmd' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gpnpd' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gipcd' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gipcd' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.crf' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssd' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.diskmon' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.diskmon' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.crf' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssd' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.ctssd' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.ctssd' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.asm' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.asm' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start '' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of '' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.crsd' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.crsd' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-6017: Processing resource auto-start for servers: rhel72
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr' on 'rhel71'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.ASMNET1LSNR_ASM.lsnr' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.ons' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.chad' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.qosmserver' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr' on 'rhel71' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop '' on 'rhel71'
CRS-2677: Stop of '' on 'rhel71' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start '' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.ASMNET1LSNR_ASM.lsnr' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.asm' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.ons' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.chad' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of '' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.qosmserver' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.chad' on 'rhel71'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.ASMNET1LSNR_ASM.lsnr' on 'rhel71'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.ASMNET1LSNR_ASM.lsnr' on 'rhel71' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.asm' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.DATA.dg' on 'rhel72'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.DATA.dg' on 'rhel72' succeeded
CRS-6016: Resource auto-start has completed for server rhel72
CRS-6024: Completed start of Oracle Cluster Ready Services-managed resources
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
2019/04/08 11:16:43 CLSRSC-343: Successfully started Oracle Clusterware stack
2019/04/08 11:16:43 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 19 of 20: 'ConfigNode'.
clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 5 detected.
clscfg: version 5 is 12c Release 2.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
2019/04/08 11:17:43 CLSRSC-594: Executing installation step 20 of 20: 'PostConfig'.
2019/04/08 11:17:57 CLSRSC-325: Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded
4. Use cluvfy to verify node addition
cluvfy stage -post nodeadd -n rhel725. The next step is to extend the database software to new node. To add database software run from the $ORACLE_HOME/addnode directory as oracle user from an existing node.
Verifying Node Connectivity ...
Verifying Hosts File ...PASSED
Verifying Check that maximum (MTU) size packet goes through subnet ...PASSED
Verifying subnet mask consistency for subnet "" ...PASSED
Verifying subnet mask consistency for subnet "" ...PASSED
Verifying Node Connectivity ...PASSED
Verifying Cluster Integrity ...PASSED
Verifying Node Addition ...
Verifying CRS Integrity ...PASSED
Verifying Clusterware Version Consistency ...PASSED
Verifying '/opt/app/18.x.0/grid' ...PASSED
Verifying Node Addition ...PASSED
Verifying Multicast or broadcast check ...PASSED
Verifying Node Application Existence ...PASSED
Verifying Single Client Access Name (SCAN) ...
Verifying DNS/NIS name service '' ...
Verifying Name Service Switch Configuration File Integrity ...PASSED
Verifying DNS/NIS name service '' ...PASSED
Verifying Single Client Access Name (SCAN) ...PASSED
Verifying User Not In Group "root": grid ...PASSED
Verifying Clock Synchronization ...PASSED
Post-check for node addition was successful.
CVU operation performed: stage -post nodeadd
Date: 08-Apr-2019 11:21:17
CVU home: /opt/app/18.x.0/grid/
User: grid
cd $ORACLE_HOME/addnodeWhen the OUI starts the new node comes selected by default. When prompted run to complete the database software installation on the new node.
./ "CLUSTER_NEW_NODES={rhel72}"
6. Before extending the database by adding a new instance change the permission on the admin folder on the new node.
cd $ORACLE_BASE7. Run DBCA and select RAC instance management and add an instance options. Select the database to be extended to new node. Specify new instance's details 6. Verify the database has been extended to include a new instance.
chmod 775 admin
srvctl config database -d ent18c7. Modify the service to include the new database instance.
Database unique name: ent18c
Database name: ent18c
Oracle home: /opt/app/oracle/product/18.x.0/dbhome_1
Oracle user: oracle
Spfile: +DATA/ENT18C/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.272.1003495623
Password file: +DATA/ENT18C/PASSWORD/pwdent18c.256.1003490291
Start options: open
Stop options: immediate
Database role: PRIMARY
Management policy: AUTOMATIC
Server pools:
Disk Groups: DATA,FRA
Mount point paths:
Services: pdbsrv
Type: RAC
Start concurrency:
Stop concurrency:
OSDBA group: dba
OSOPER group: oper
Database instances: ent18c1,ent18c2
Configured nodes: rhel71,rhel72
CSS critical: no
CPU count: 0
Memory target: 0
Maximum memory: 0
Default network number for database services:
Database is administrator managed
SQL> select inst_id,instance_name,host_name from gv$instance;
---------- ---------------- ----------------------
1 ent18c1
2 ent18c2
SQL> select inst_id,con_id,name from gv$pdbs order by 1;
---------- ---------- --------------
1 3 PDB18C
2 3 PDB18C
srvctl modify service -db ent18c -pdb pdb18c -s pdbsrv -modifyconfig -preferred "ent18c1,ent18c2"This concludes the addition of a new node to 12cR1 RAC.
srvctl config service -db ent18c -service pdbsrv
Service name: pdbsrv
Server pool:
Cardinality: 2
Service role: PRIMARY
Management policy: AUTOMATIC
DTP transaction: false
AQ HA notifications: false
Global: false
Commit Outcome: false
Failover type:
Failover method:
Failover retries:
Failover delay:
Failover restore: NONE
Connection Load Balancing Goal: LONG
Runtime Load Balancing Goal: NONE
TAF policy specification: NONE
Pluggable database name: pdb18c
Hub service:
Maximum lag time: ANY
SQL Translation Profile:
Retention: 86400 seconds
Replay Initiation Time: 300 seconds
Drain timeout:
Stop option:
Session State Consistency: DYNAMIC
GSM Flags: 0
Service is enabled
Preferred instances: ent18c1,ent18c2
Available instances:
CSS critical: no
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Adding a Node to 12cR1 RAC
Adding a Node to 11gR2 RAC
Adding a Node to 11gR1 RAC